Licensed Parelli Professional 2* Junior Instructor

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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Tolerance, Acceptance, Enjoyment as a Model for Learning

One of my favorite Pat'isms to think about while training horses hit me like a train this morning :). In a totally different light..., as all of us in Parelli know, those moments when you get hit by a "BFO" can be beautiful, intense, and as the acronym suggests.... The biggest thing I want to say is "duhhhhh!"

Being a Right Brain Extravert, one of my biggest challenges in the field of teaching has been getting comfortable teaching groups. My innate desire is to be such a people pleaser... And since I KNOW that most people in a clinic want some focused attention... Instead of tasking and allowing people to find the answer I often end up running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make sure that everyone gets more than enough attention. As you can imagine this USED to make group settings incredibly challenging and stressful for me.

SO in an attempt to respect my own thresholds I mainly just taught private lessons for a LONG time, basically from the beginning of my teaching career until 2011. So, how does this relate to the Pat'ism "Tolerance, Acceptance, Enjoyment"? Well, I realized the other day, flying back from a clinic, that not only do I now TOLERATE teaching groups, I actually enjoy it! I love it!

I have been slowly able to bring myself through my own threshold about this. I began slowly in 2011 teaching groups, and not for very long, and not more than 6 or so people. This way I was able to gradually build my confidence. Looking back now, I can see that I moved from tolerance into acceptance of teaching more than one person at a time.

Now, two years later, I SO look forward to my clinics as I think that the dynamic of getting to see and understand and learn from the advice of different students can not be paralleled. Rather than having ONE horse and ONE human, everyone gets the benefits of seeing the exponential possibilities of 10 horses and 10 humans! And yes, of course sometimes you get less one on one attention, but if you are truly prepared to take charge of your own learning, this is the paramount opportunity to excel, and create more arrows to take home and continue your learning!

Over my thinking and growth recently about this subject I have learned how in symmetry the theory of discomfort while learning and Pat's mantra of teaching Friendly Game through "Tolerance, Acceptance, Enjoyment" truly are. In Arizona at the Horse and Soul Tour Stop, Pat took a young colt through his discomfort with the flag in preparation for colt starting and it was seamless to see how the young horse first learned to Tolerate, then Accept, then actually Enjoy the feeling of the flag, and the intention of Friendly game.

I am now trying to allow for myself and my own learning to have these same steps. In the uncomfortable portion of learning, I realize that sometimes its my job to just Tolerate! Then pretty soon we gain Acceptance of the discomfort and sometimes even reverence and respect for the challenges we are going through and how this new challenge is going to help us .... then last we reach the place where we own this knew knowledge and can truly ENJOY it!

1 comment:

  1. I would never have know if you had never shared this. It is great to read your blog and know others have these feelings and have learnt to enjoy what was uncomfortable, but new it was the place they wanted to be. Looking forward to being it that spot some day too. Ang.
