Ok! So, thank you to amazing work by Dr. Britt Harris and Centennial Equine Sports Medicine, we have diagnosed Damo's Injury. And through a few conversations with Dr. Harris ... and my own positive framing, I have started to have a very positive view of that word!
Many of you know that when we began this adventure, I was worried that whatever was causing the lameness was some sort of career-ending arthritic or age changes. Damo turned 17 on June 2, and that's not that old, especially for an Arabian .... However ... she had terrible nutrition as a foal as she came from a rescue, and in those 17 years I have asked a LOT of her, as has Parelli. And because of that we have had the opportunity to present and inspire in 26 States and 1 Province ... lead and teach clinics together all over ... ride in the mountains ... have lessons with Pat, Linda, Walter Zettle and many other masters. So if she was trying to tell me she was ready to be done ... I was ready to listen.
However, through the Ultra Sound, we learned that Damo actually has a tendonitis (or for us layman, damage to the tendon) in her superficial digital flexor tendon ... it is the worst in the upper pastern of her left front, but shows damage in the fetlock region as well. Dr. Harris and I were both surprised at the mildness of the lameness considering the extent of the injury. AKA ... She is one tough cookie!
So ... Let the adventures of 90 days of stall rest begin! As I am leaving the country today to teach the Fast Track in Australia, I have left her to spend the next few months in the stellar care of Maree Stewart and Debbie and Don Stinnett at 4DS ranch. Im SO lucky to have this top notch facility available to me and my special girl at this tough time ... and in Debbie's amazing words she said "you just get on that plane and don't even give it another thought! We will take amazing care of her!" Well, I dunno about the first part because Damo, and her recovery will be on my mind all the time; but, I am 100% confident in the care she will receive! To all of my Pagosa Parelli Friends ... Please send me an email at lillanroquet@hotmail.com if you think you might be able to take a shift of hand walking, or are available for visits or scratches or cookies!
My amazing vet is confident that she will make a full recovery ... and I think we have a few more years of inspiring demo's in us starting in 2015! Thank you all for your love and support!
I'm sure she will make a full recovery :) Sending healing thoughts her way!